
  1. Top 5 Female Sex Toys of 2010

    So 2010 is over. It’s been an interesting and productive year for us, and hopefully we will say the same about 2011 next year. But before that we would like to give you a brief summary of the best sex toys of the year gone by. Mind that, this isn’t a list of sex toys released in 2010, they are...
  2. Kinky Bathroom Fun with Waterproof Sex Toys

    There is really nothing sexier than a hot tub or shower sex scene in a movie. Water dribbling down over the lovers backs, the heat of the water mixed with the heat of the lovers, desperate with desire... Well, we’re sure you get the picture. So what about an evening of kinky water play? Some naughty bathroom fun may be...
  3. Keeping Your Passions Alive with Something as Simple as a Ring

    It is a sad but universal truth that all couples are doomed to eventually get into a rut with their sex lives. Because keeping passion alive in a relationship takes work. Because it’s not like it’s always going to be there for you both. Whether you like it or not, sex is crucial in your relationship, and it is your...
  4. Do You Know What Stimulation is Best for You?

    Orgasms feel great, and everyone should experience them the more regularly the better in our opinion. In fact, sex and orgasms are great for your mind, body and soul. Numerous studies have proven that sex and orgasms have a wealth of benefits for your health, as they can: relieve tension; help you sleep better; burn calories; reduce depression and even...
  5. Sex Toys - a Great Way to Master the Art of Outstanding Lovemaking

    For some folks who intuitively know what feels right, sex comes easy. But the rest of us need to do some learning and practice. You see, everything in life comes with a learning curve, and lovemaking is no exception. Reaching an orgasm is so much easier when it’s practised, that is when you’ve gotten past the learning curve. And this...
  6. Sex Toys to Help Women Experience Orgasms

    It’s very sad that lots of women even today cannot bring themselves to orgasm, which results in them feeling emotionally stressed-out and even in pain. Not only do some women find it hard to experience orgasm, they cannot climax during intercourse, which is even more frustrating. More often than not, the reason why so many women find their orgasms to...
  7. Sexual Rut as Good as Gone Now that You Use Sex Toys

    Sex is an essential part of everyone’s life. It is impossible to have a healthy relationship without living a healthy sex life. However, the biting irony of life says that all couple involved in a long-term relationship eventually face the problem of routine sex. At some point of their living together, things become monotonous with their painful predictability, and passions just...
  8. Vibrators are the modern girl's best friends

    Not many people know that the very first vibrator was invented in 1880, as a device to relieve symptoms of ‘female hysteria’. Since then, it has grown to be a high-end electronic device, no longer used for medical purposes only, but, above all, as a source of sexual pleasure. Today, it’s no overstatement to say the market for vibrators is...
  9. A Few Useful Tips on Bringing Sex Toys into Your Relationships

    If it feels that your relationship or married life is getting lacklustre day by day due to lack of sexual excitement that used to exist between you, then you definitely need to take your time to spice up your lovemaking. Otherwise, the day is not far when your relations can no longer work out, messing up your married life and...
  10. Spicing up Your Sex Life is So Easy

    According to statistics, most people involved in a long-term relationship are not satisfied with their sex lives. To them sex becomes a routine, everyday occurrence that they just take for granted. Hardly will anyone admit that their sex life sucks, however, that fact of the matter is that sex inevitably becomes boring if you don’t take the trouble to spice...

Items 11 to 20 of 43 total