The health and safety of sex products, how do you buy and use sex toys, condoms, lubes? Need to know which materials offer you the safest option? Read on, and feel free to add you own personal comments too!
When it comes down to cleaning an artificial vagina, most guys would say that it can sometimes pose a difficult challenge. Whether you're a seasoned pro in the use of such a sex toy, or a relative newcomer, Magic Moments have some great tips to maintaining the health of it, saving you time, money and your sexual health. For this...
Alcohol, oysters, Viagra, Spanish fly | from simple to the more exotic, these items are said to serve as an aphrodisiac. Aphrodisiacs are substances which help increase sexual desire. Those who would like to have sex more often, boost their libido or simply improve their sex lives may consider aphrodisiacs as the ultimate solution. The good news is that you...
One of the biggest misconceptions that people have is that sex toys are only used by those who do not have a sexual partner, or those who are in a same-sex relationship. These days, single women, married couples, gay couples and people of different sexual orientations can all use sex toys. The goal of introducing these adult toys in the...
Any guy wishing to upgrade his bedroom performance should be made fully aware of the variances that can positively or negatively skew how well he performs when it comes to satisfying your lady. A huge factor, along with the likes of fitness and health is your diet. In today's sex toys blog, allow us to highlight 5 power foods that...
For most, managing the health of your sex toys either comes with experience, or just a lucky case of striking it right with a good technique or sex toy cleaner. In today's sex toy blog, we strive to take it to another level and offer some valuable guidance on maintaining the health of your sex toys, based on what material...
One of the most common sexual dilemmas that men have is making their erections last longer. They naturally want to please their partner in bed and unless they're in their teenage years or twenties with still-raging hormones, maintaining an erection could be a problem. Fortunately, there are sex toys which combine the functionality of increasing sexual pleasure and enhancing male...
You've had a busy day at work getting your hands dirty and aside from getting in and putting your feet up with a cold beer, you'll more than likely want to take a nice long fresh shower. But gentlemen, when you're through the door and see the pleasantries on offer at home when your lady invites you in for a...
Sex lubricants are specially made to ease penetration. In sex, wetter is always better so you and your partner will not feel any pain and discomfort during your love making. However, there are special sex lubricants that can enhance sexual pleasure. So you need to find out if such lubes would be suitable for your needs. For men, there are...
Far gone are the days where a fragrance or perfume would be chosen as the ideal gift to unwrap on Christmas morning for your closest friends. Whilst sex in the UK grows ever more mainstream, this Christmas, it's something a little more intimate being left by Santa, guaranteed to make it a very naughty new year! It seems as though...
What if there's a device that can help men maintain an erection, enjoy stronger orgasms and have more stamina in bed? These are the many benefits provided by modern sex toys like cock rings. When worn at the base of the penis, the pressure from the ring helps trap the blood in the organ, thereby helping maintain the erection. Men...