
Lemon curd eating, sex toy shopping man.

  1. Sex Toys Care

    The more care you take with your sex toys, the longer they are likely to last and the better they will perform. Whilst that is common sense, what often is known as common sense can sometimes be ignored, especially when it comes to hygiene and safety. Continue reading →
  2. Using Vibrators

    With thousands of sex toy vibrators available it can be a difficult choice choosing the right vibrator for you or your partner. We`ve included a selection of the most popular vibrators in the next section with helpful guidance and tips on how to get the most out of the sex toy vibrator to choose to satisfy your needs. Classic Vibrators...
  3. Sex Toy Lubrication

    Lubrication for your sextoys is very important and is something that tends to be forgotten about. Men should always use plenty of lubricant when using items like Realistic Pussies and Masturbation Sleeves otherwise friction can result and you get a very sore penis. The type of lubrication you use is important too. Lubricants that are not water based can often...
  4. Powerful Sex Toys

    First time users could be forgiven for thinking that a vibrator just needs switching on and that's it! Strictly speaking that is basically what most peoples conceptions of a vibrator or any sex toy is. However, whilst most vibrators and sex toys nowadays have a multi speed control, some don't and are only single speed. So when choosing your sex...
  5. Sharing Adult Toys

    As a general rule, sharing your sex toy is not a good idea because bacteria from one person can get transferred to you. We are not talking here about sharing your toy with a stranger, but more specifically with your partner. Although your partner may not have any infection, if you do use the same sex toy it is a...
  6. Sex Toy Batteries

    Many types of sex toy vibrate therefore batteries are required to make them work. You can choose from 2 different types, normal and re-chargeable. Always ensure the batteries are inserted correctly and the right size battery is used. We get lots of calls from customers complaining the sex toy they have received doesn’t work, the most common problem why a...
  7. Sex Toys Cleaning Tips

    Cleaning your sex toys is one of the most important things you can do on a regular basis. It is very important that your vibrator or dildo is cleaned after use, your bodily fluids whilst harmless can become harmful if left on a vibrator. To clean your vibrator all you need to do is to run it under warm water...
  8. Hiding Your Adult Toys

    Its surprising how many people don’t consider where they will store their sex toys once they arrive, pre-planning where you hide them from the children, the cleaner or other family members is a good idea to save any possible embarrassment. Its a good idea to keep them as close to your bed as possible, in a bedside cabinet that can...
  9. Storing Your Sex Toys

    Storing your sex toys properly is important. Not only do you want to hide them from children or pets, it is important to make sure they are stored away from dust, dirt and changing temperatures. You should always take the batteries out when not in use, many sex toys have been ruined because leaking batteries left inside them have corroded...
  10. How To Choose A Sex Toy

    Choosing the right sex toys is an important part of the fun! This is especially important for first time users because a vibrator that is too big for example, will almost certainly put off your partner for future use of sex toys. In our experience, many men who buy a vibrator for their wife or girlfriend for the first time...

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