If you a great lover and enjoy experimenting during sex, we have something that you may find to be very useful in terms of diversifying and enhancing your sexual experience. Taking the industry by storm, sex furniture is all the rage now! Fewer and fewer people today think sex furniture to be only for the sexually hyperactive or some kind of perverts and freaks. In fact, sex furniture is designed solely for the purpose of allowing couples a larger variety of positions to play with and making the old standards just a bit more enjoyable. Here at SextoyShopping.co.uk, we’ve compiled a list of the bestselling pieces of sex furniture that you will find below along with a few useful tips.
Sex Swings
Sex swings are perfect for discovering new love positions to help improve your lovemaking. Depending on the type you have, sex swings can have a nice variety of uses. Basically, with a sex swing you are able to place your partner in many incredibly exciting positions that are comfortable for him/her and provide easy access for you! There are smaller sex swings that hang from doorways, such as the Fantasy Door Swing, and there are those that can be fixed to any ceiling hoist, and then easily hold both partners together, such as the Leather Sex Swing Hammock.
Love Seats
These are a powerful tool to liven up your sexual encounters by offering you the most intense grooves in sex positions. Taking the gravity out of sex and keeping your physical strength for sexual up-and-down, the love seat will help you experience the craziest sex ever! The love seat such as, the Seat of Love also offers you the right position for G-spot stimulation as well as helps the man last longer! Light, handy, and easily carried around, the love seat is a wonderful solution for old people, pregnant women or people with disabilities to enjoy a more comfortable sex.
Love Pillows
The purpose of these is to thrust your pelvis upward to allow easy penetration. You can also use the Love Pillow to rest the head during oral sex to prevent a kink in the neck. The love pillow may come particularly handy when doing a 69 oral sex, because quite often one partner is larger than the other, and his or her head won’t be able to rest easily on the mattress or wherever you may be.