Many types of sex toy vibrate therefore batteries are required to make them work. You can choose from 2 different types, normal and re-chargeable. Always ensure the batteries are inserted correctly and the right size battery is used. We get lots of calls from customers complaining the sex toy they have received doesn’t work, the most common problem why a sex toy doesn`t work is not because it is faulty, it is because the batteries have been put in the wrong way round. Another common problem is flat batteries. Most sex toys have twist controls on the battery compartments, never force the twisted controls as this will render your sex toy useless.

Normal Batteries For Sex Toys

When you are not using your sex toys we recommend you take the batteries out because if the batteries are left in for a long period of time, it is possible they may leak and cause damage to the terminals inside your sex toy. We recommend also that you remember to take the batteries out before you wash your sex toy, otherwise damage may result.

Re-chargeable Batteries

We recommend you purchase a battery charger and some rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable NiMH (nickel metal hydride) batteries last a long time and won't lose power quickly while in use, however, they do drain quickly when being stored. Whilst these are one of the more expensive batteries, which are commonly used in digital cameras etc, performance wise they last longer during use. NiCad is the most common type of rechargeable battery these might drain faster during use, but they hold a charge longer during storage periods. They are less expensive than NiMH batteries, so its your choice of which type is better for your personal needs. We recommend that you get a battery charger that charges either NiCad or NiMH batteries, allowing you to choose the appropriate type. This Battery Charger we sell is ideal,