You wouldn't have to let your imagination run too much away with you to think of some of the items regularly attempted to be passed onto British female inmates behind bars. However, as we sit here on the cusp of yet another hike in the British female prison population, it's what's going on when it's lights out that has certainly caused a stir in wider society. Reports show that the fastest growing range of goods regularly targeted to breach prison walls are in fact sex toys! That's right! - it seems as though the sex toy shackles are well and truly coming off female inmates, as they look to seek pleasure whilst doing time away from their partners.
Making it onto the growing list of popular sex toys for women, either found in cells or confiscated at check in, are the likes of vibrators, vagina balls and in one South East prison's case an intimate labia spreader. For years, such items have been banned and branded inappropriate for women in prison, not least, because they can be used as potential weapons. But it's the positive side effects of these love weapons that are underpinning the debate of allowing sex toys to officially enter jail in a controlled manner.
Relieving tension, properly managing the inbound of sex toys, bargaining and maintaining control and discipline could all be seen as positives for allowing sex toys into prison. However, on the flip side, is it right to reward convicted criminals with sex toys, something which is oh so sweetly often related to pleasure?
Hillary McGrath, a female office, who has worked at various prisons, spanning the UK over her 25 year career certainly sees the positive side of allowing the likes of Jelly Vibrators and Double Dongs behind bars. ‘‘We've all seen the success of intimate conjugal visits in American prison's and how they can be used to help officers and encourage good behavior. Sex toys for women behind bars is a revolutionary idea, not least because it appeals to the masses. The threat of losing such a commodity would, I believe, put a lot more female inmates within control of officers.''
Whilst there is nothing set in stone to move forward on the idea as of yet, one thing is for certain. The number of love toys smuggled into prisons looks set to rise further, as prisoners and accomplices conger up new and innovative ways to get their wicked way.