Penis sleeves have been a popular choice in the men's sex toy category for years. But, how can deploying one in the bedroom enhance your performance between the sheets? Male sex toy expert Alex Looper explains how getting to grips with one of these can tease her inner workings and leave you finally fulfilling your sexual destiny.

male sleeveAlex explains that the use of a penis sleeve controls the blood flow and manages it effectively in your penis, which inevitably contributes to a longer lasting erection.  If that didn't tick enough boxes for our intrigued guys, penis sleeves also have specially designed ridges along the shaft to pleasure the inner wall of the vagina upon entry.  Alex tells of an experience with one women where ‘she never felt it so good in areas of her vagina that she never knew existed'.

Beyond that, the extra girth provided by your brand new penis sleeve provides a boosted pulsating shaft into her, leaving both your manhood and her inner goddess chasing for the starts.  Now that's not a bad thing for a saucy Friday night in is it?