We've seen Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis enjoy the pure delights of Friends with Benefits with their Hollywood blockbuster. Even Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman took it behind camera in No Strings Attached, with both films symbolizing a very current up rise in society of the number of singletons enjoying kinky fun with a friend.
However, as sex toys continue to make headlines in sex mad Britain, it appears as though more and more friends with such benefits are stretching the boundaries as to what exactly we share with our close buddies. For every couple, clearly reaping the rewards of no pressure, casual sex, it now stands firm that as much as one in three now introduce sex toys, such as vibrators, penis rings and love eggs during play time, to well and truly spice up the party.
The main cause of which, Alex Dalley from Magic Moments, Britain's longest serving online sex toy shop explained yesterday: ‘Friends With Benefits isn't a new thing. In a society where sex rules, friends ultimately feel more comfortable and less pressure with a friend, as appose to with a new perspective lover. Therefore, such ladies and gents are more incline to experiment with sex toys as they fully get to grip with the growing ranges on offer...Less pressure often leads to more fun in the world we now live in and sex toys are continuing to play a leading role in it.'
With sex parities also on the rise in modern day Britain, with a monstrous number of guys and girls simply running with the phrase ‘No Strings Fun,' the scene is clearly set for yet another booming year for the industry as a whole.
This is, of course, not the first time that sex toys have taken centre stage in the headlines over recent months. Jay-Z and Beyonce reportedly splashed out $6,000 on sex toys for their close friends before Christmas, along with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby raising eyebrows whilst dishing out love toys to their friends at ‘This Morning's' Annual Christmas do.
All that remains is to ask yourself the question. If pal's in Britain are enjoying so much good sex with friends, if this social trend deepens, who's going to want a relationship?