Whilst your average husband and wife duo may lean on the financial backup up of their credit card for an unexpected car repair or a new white good from time to time. Stuart and Mandy from Sussex truly felt the pinch of excessive spending over Christmas, racking up a monstrous £9,000 credit card debt throughout the year. Except this time, it wasn't quite Sunday morning trips down to Curry's or even a big holiday to blame for such a hair raising bill, it was in fact their unprecedented and unparalleled addiction to sex toys which left them counting the cost of pleasure during the holidays.
With a sex toy collection to rival the likes of Jay-Z and Beyonce, who reportedly splashed out over $6,000 on sex toys during the festive season, one thing is for certain, it's sure to be a very naughty new year for the newlyweds from Brighton.
Boasting a range of sex toys which includes a staggering 13 different vibrators, a love swing, a luxury sex toys hamper and 19 designer bespoke toys made especially for couples, god help the producers, should one of the tasty duo ever appear on Come Dine With Me.
It's not uncommon of course for couples to splash out the big bucks on spicing up their love lives, Britain's leading retailer Magic Moments takes sex toy shopping to an entirely new level with over 2,000 products on offer to truly satisfy the needs of Britain's most adventurous. Leaving inner goddesses all over screaming from the rooftops and gentlemen fully reaping the rewards of the ‘Fifty Shades' revolution, how many couples out there are feeling the financial heat of a crazy year between the sheets?
Whilst the outgoing couple look towards downsizing to a one-car family to clear their crippling debt, a stark reminder remains in such a tale of financial woe that pleasure can sometimes come at a price, with family's all over Britain still recovering from the recession. Many cheaper love toys are of course available out there on the market, giving couples the power to strike the perfect balance between seduction and stability.
Magic Moments confirm that whilst remote control vibrators and sex toy kits remain hugely popular amongst couples. Their sex toy board game, bondage gear and erection enhancing love toys are not far behind in the race to provide the most diversity in the bedroom.