Sex Toy News

All the latest sex toy news and gossip, keep up to date with the most recent sex toys and find out how much pleasure and excitement you can have with them!

  1. Sex Toy Types

    Sex toys are made in many different materials, silicone, latex rubber, jelly and plastic are the more popular ones, so lets take a look at each of these in more detail. Silicone Sex Toys The main benefit of sex toys made in silicone is that the material very quickly reaches your body temperature and will retain the temperature for a...
  2. Dispelling The Myths About Sex Toys

    First of all, lets dismiss the myth that people who use sex toys are dirty minded individuals or perverted sad people that dont have much of a sex life. Incredibly, the type of people who hold this view are usually those who have a boring or non-exsistent sex life themselves! Over the past 20 years or so its a proven...

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