Men and women from every walk of life, irrespective of age, colour or size have been using sex toys to enhance their masturbation experience for centuries, today sex toys are also used by couples to help enhance their sex lives. For centuries, many different items including bananas, cucumbers, polished wooden objects and even nowadays common household objects like hair and tooth brushes are used as sex toys by women to penetrate the vagina and stimulate the clitoris. Men have used a variety of objects as sex toys into which they put their penis to simulate a real vagina, including carving out fruit, like melons into which they insert their penis for masturbation and pleasure.
Today modern sex toys are so reasonably priced, most men and women choose to buy sex toys rather than use homemade sex toys.
Sex toys are wonderful pleasure items for men and women of all ages, they can be used alone or with a partner, sex toys can increase your satisfaction enormously. Sex Toys can often put a little bit of sparkle back into a couples sex life that has become a little stale. In countless studies on sex toys it has been proved again and again that sex toys can also help the large number of women who are not able to orgasm through traditional sex. The invention of clitoral stimulators and modern vibrators including rabbit vibrators have helped many thousands of women to achieve an orgasm for the first time.