Cleaning your sex toys is one of the most important things you can do on a regular basis. It is very important that your vibrator or dildo is cleaned after use, your bodily fluids whilst harmless can become harmful if left on a vibrator. To clean your vibrator all you need to do is to run it under warm water, making sure that no water comes into contact with the battery terminals as this will result in the terminals becoming rusty. Keeping your sex toys clean will not only keep them hygienic to use it will also make them last longer. Also make sure you dry your sex toy thoroughly after washing.
The easiest vibrators to clean are the waterproof ones, you simply rinse in hot water with some mild soap. We recommend a mild antibacterial hand soap. A mild soap will not harm the latex or rubber and it wont cause any irritation inside your vagina when next used. Any other type of sex toy that isn’t waterproof, try wrapping a small dry flannel around the cap where the batteries go during the cleaning process, this will ensure you keep the battery insert area dry. Once your vibrator has been cleaned leave the cap off, this helps to prevent any moisture building up and getting trapped inside. Whilst you can take every care in stopping any water entering the battery compartment, some vibrators are porous so a small amount of moisture may seep through, leaving the cap off will help the moisture evaporate.
Do also remember that if you suffer from allergies or are sensitive to certain materials, you should take extra care before using the toy, if you have never used a sex toy before try doing an allergy test on your skin such as your arm first, this will establish if you have an allergy to rubber latex or silicone. It is far better to have a reaction on your arm or wrist rather than your intimate parts.
Here are a few other Do's and Don’ts on keeping your sex toys clean.