For most, managing the health of your sex toys either comes with experience, or just a lucky case of striking it right with a good technique or sex toy cleaner. In today's sex toy blog, we strive to take it to another level and offer some valuable guidance on maintaining the health of your sex toys, based on what material they are manufactured from. With a growing abundance of sex toy materials out there on the market, you'd be forgiven for getting caught in no man's land when it comes to keeping it all under wraps.cleaner

It's important to check over your sex toys when they first arrive. Look out for rips in silicone and jelly toys, as well as cracks and dents in glass and metal based toys, as these can all provide a breeding ground for unwanted and unsafe bacteria. Regardless of their material, it's always a good idea to let them air dry and remember to wash every form of cleaning agent away for your very own sexual health.

For sex toys made of realistic material to add to the pleasure, such as artificial vaginas, remember to give them a very thorough clean with a sex toy cleaner or antibacterial soap. Even add a coating of cornstarch after letting it dry out completely to maintain refreshment.

When it comes to jelly and rubber based adult toys, it's important to understand that these are porous, which again prove a popular home for unwanted germs. These pores do trap bacteria, but can be easily cleaned with a washing agent and water, or a specifically formulated toy cleaner. Once more, remember to rinse well to prevent damage to yourself.

Remembering to approach every electrical component of your sex toys with extreme caution, make sure you remove all batteries and avoid directly dampening such components.

Cleaning silicone sex toys in boiling water is also a popular technique if your toy doesn't have any electrical or motorized components. Whilst they are non-porous the hot water will kill any form of lingering blighters and once left to air dry will be completely ready for use.

Glass toys can be cleaned under the same strategy. However, again, fi they have no electrical components they can be put in a dishwasher for a very thorough clean. This is also a popular option for stainless steel sex toys in maintaining their long term health.

Magic Moments Recommendation: Sex Toy Cleaner