Why use sex toys?The use of sex toys date back to ancient Greece, however somewhat amazingly, in 2017 there’s still a taboo surrounding them. Whilst modern day Britons are talking more openly than ever before about sex, who they are doing it with and how they are doing it, taking this year’s Love Island contestants as prime examples, there’s still barriers in place that are proving much more resilient to break down than expected.

Everyone should own a sex toy and this is why. If you’re an advocate of adult toys and talking more openly about sex in general, then you’re going to get a massive thumbs up from the guys and girls here at Magic Moments and for those of you who don’t yet own a sex toy or a collection of them, here are a few reasons why you should definitely consider the investment.

Whilst the positive impact Fifty Shades and other erotic novels have made in the tackling of social stigmas towards sex toys have been well received, it’s important to note that you do not necessarily have to jump into the deep end of passion, or even be in a relationship to take advantage of them. In fact, starting off slow and steady with just one or two pleasure toys may just win you the race and remember, solo play can be just as much fun as couples time.

reviewsFor gentlemen short on the uptake, recent studies have shown that regular masturbation reduces the chances of prostate cancer, whilst for our ladies, a little regular ‘me time’ counteracts muscle pain and cramps within, so who’s not going to say a big fat yes to that? Aside from these health benefits, the use of sex toys during some quality alone time have also been proven by sexperts to significantly improve the quality of your sleep once play time is over.

Aside from the obvious benefits behind closed doors, actually talking about sex toys, boys and girls make for interesting conversation pieces between friends of any sex. We all have that one couple within our group of friends who are exuberantly open when discussing their private life at dinner parties and on nights out, but now it seems having a passion for flashing is slowly but surely becoming cool.

Other benefits of the regular use of sex toys between couples include helping keep that spark between you both and significantly reduces the odds of one or both of you looking elsewhere for fresh scenery, shall we say? Couples who play together stay together, it’s not some corny tag line to shrug off lightly, it is in fact true.

Magic Moments sexpert Tina has this to say on the matter: ‘Over the years, i’ve treated thousands of couples who are not only initially shy about talking about sex toys, but sex as a whole, which slowly but surely creates a divide between them, sometimes becoming insurmountable. In each session, I work on slowly opening them up both individually and as a couple and what’s locked within often is a mixture of something incredible, tantalizing and mostly outright filthy. Therefore, if you think you’re relationship is in need of a little thrust in the right direction, let sex toys take control’