If you think that your bedroom antics are getting a bit stale, now is the best time as any to introduce sex toys in the relationship. Some women hesitate to buy these items for fear of offending their partners, but remember that if you want to keep the flame burning, there should always be variations in your sex life. Once you get stuck in a routine, things in the bedroom would not be as exciting anymore.
Whether you're a beginner or an old timer when it comes to using sex toys, the one thing that you should add to your list is a hollow strap-on. It's basically a hollow dildo where an erect or resting penis can be placed inside. A matching belt worn over the waist is included in the toy and most packages of hollow strap-ons have a matching mask. Here the benefits of using this type of sex toy:
* Men can keep on thrusting even without having to sustain erection.
For men who are having difficulties lasting in the bedroom due to failure of sustaining an erection, a hollow strap-on is the perfect tool to have. The harness can be worn around the waist and the hollow shaft can accommodate either an erect or a resting penis. If you think that you're lacking in the size department, the long and thick artificial penis is just the thing to make your partner feel more filled out.
* It's suitable for same-sex couples.
Whether you're a male or female same sex couple or if you are simply looking for a role reversal type of tool to use in the bedroom, you can also depend on the hollow strap-on to keep things going for you.
* It can be used for fantasy or role playing bedroom sessions.
Lastly, the hollow strap-on is usually sold in a kit that includes a mask. Wear the mask and the hollow strap-on – then see things heat up really quickly inside your bedroom!
In the end, whatever tickles your fancy as a couple is a fantasy that can be fulfilled using a sex toy like a hollow strap-on. If you're thinking of spicing things up in the bedroom, this is definitely something that you should have stowed away in your underwear drawer.